Why should I invest my money?
Historically, the return on Swiss equities has averaged around 5% per year. Depending on risk tolerance and risk appetite, a portfolio can have a larger or smaller proportion of equities. Investing in securities brings a higher return in the long term than money in savings accounts.
How does investing with an external asset manager work?
You as the client select the custodian bank. You then grant us a limited power of attorney. We can only buy and sell securities in your name. It is not possible for us to transfer funds to other accounts. Your assets remain your property at all times; we take care of professional asset management for you. Thanks to your e-banking, you have a transparent overview of your finances at all times.
What is the difference between a mandate with an asset manager and a mandate solution with a bank?
Our mandates are highly personalised. You can have a say down to the level of individual securities. Your personal preferences are taken into account when building up the portfolio. We gradually invest the assets entrusted to us. Portfolio construction takes between 3 and 12 months. We invest when we identify favourable opportunities., wenn wir günstige Gelegenheiten erkennen.
What does asset management with an external asset manager cost?
Our asset management costs are less than one per cent. The higher the investment amount, the lower the management fee. In addition, there is the custodian bank's all-in fee. This fee depends on the volume of assets under management and the custodian bank you choose.
How long do I commit myself for when I conclude an asset management agreement?
The contract concluded with you has no minimum term. You can cancel it at any time.
How much money do I need to have in order to conclude an asset management mandate?
With our "ETF Select" asset management mandate, we offer investment solutions from as little as CHF 100,000. With this mandate, your assets are invested using exchange-traded funds. From CHF 250,000, we recommend our "Classic" asset management mandate. Here, your money is largely invested in individual securities and the portfolio can be built up according to your personal wishes.
How does the taxation of an asset management mandate work?
Persons domiciled in Switzerland for tax purposes must pay tax on income, such as interest and dividends, and on assets. You will receive an annual tax statement, which you enclose with your tax return.